Forest City Brewing

The Stats 

Location: Middletown, CT

History: Forest City opened about a year ago. 

Food Service: No

The Scenario

We pulled up to a long warehouse and entered through an open door with a sandwich board outside displaying the name of the brewery. We were met by a line that extended beyond the inside door of the brewery. People were lined up with coolers and empty growlers ready to fill. Typically, breweries have separate lines for growler fills and drafts/flights but it didn't appear that this was the case here. This resulted in a wait of over 20 minutes (at least) for a single pint. We stayed only until we finished the beer and ventured to the next brewery. Fortunately, we didn't have to go far. We made our way through the warehouse past various artist's workshops and plastic wrapped furniture to our next stop, Stubborn Beauty. 

The Ratings

Ginger Saison
K: 2/5 - Maybe I'm bitter that I had to wait 20 mins for this, but the ginger taste is too strong for me. 
D: 3/5 - I enjoyed the taste but maybe because I didn't wait on the line for it. 

Final Thoughts

D: 2/5 - The line was pretty ridiculous and there weren't many open spots so we didn't stay long. If it wasn't so crowded we probably would've stayed and tried some more. The fact that it's located in the same building as another brewery is a plus!

K:  1.5/5 - I just can't get over the long line. If I was filling up a few growlers to take home then maybe I'd have a different opinion but I felt like screaming "What can a guy do around here to get a single pint?!" not my favorite.

The loonngg line

Ginger Saison

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